Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 7, 2008 (Day 24)

Just a quick up date, I hate going home it seems that ever time I go home he does something that is just amazing. I got a picture from Julia today that I want to share with everyone. I left and the update that I sent yesterday just seemed like glom and doom but look at the picture I got today. I talked to Adam today and he says that he is going to walk with a walker tomorrow. The Lord is a great Lord he took Adam bones and mended them back together and gives him the strength to push himself to make it through this.

I talked to Julia tonight and se says that in the next few days he going to get a special cast for his wrist that has wires and bands on it so that it will keep his wrist in the right position and let the nerves heal so that he will be able to use his wrist again and that the nerves will heal correctly. There are some more things that they will be doing this week to help him Julia is going to send me a list of every thing that they are going to do this week. When I get the list I will pass it on. I am just so happy to see him standing and walking even if it with the help of the bars. Last weekend was so hard on me having to pick him up to move him to the bathroom.

Some day I hope this makes a great testimony of how power God is and the power of prey.

We still don’t know what the out come of all this will be if he will be able to stay in the Marines or if he gets to come home to do rehabilitation here at a local VA or if they will allow him to go to Wounded Worrier Battalion in California, I just want what Adam wants. I know he loves the Marines and that is where he wants to be.

All your cards and letter I giving him happiness and gives him something to look forward each day.

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