Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday September 20, 2008 (Day 7)

Adam had surgery last night on his right arm and one his lower back. He did well they gave him 1 unit of blood before and 1 during. After he came out of surgery his face was face down in a halo for about 6.5 hours. His face was swollen petty bad after surgery. His blood pressure was up and his fever was up a bit but not as bad the night before.Today was a day of rest for Adam, Julia and I. It was well needed rest after the last six days. The next step is that they are going to start winging him off his sedation meds and more of pain meds. He will hopefully be more awake. However this is when we find out how his brain is working and if he can see and remember who we are. He is barley wiggling his toes once or twice a day and he is still having problems on his right side. He can give us a half way thumbs up on his left hand and barley move his fingers on his left hand a mill meter. Please don't stop the prayers. They are not only helping Adam get better but they help Julia and I as well knowing that we are all praying for him each day. Today I did not email everyone will you please forward this to everyone thanks for all your help.