Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday September 29, 2008 (Day 16)

I have to say I am sorry that I have not sent out any post. I am sure that everyone understands I have been non stop since Thursday night and I just now have got ten minutes to my self before I have to start work.

So a quick up date, I will give a full update later tonight. Thursday he breathed on his own for 15 minutes, Friday two hours, Saturday he started on his own at 9:00 AM and hasn’t stopped. He did about two hours of therapy on his leg Friday, and seven hours on Saturday. His therapy on his leg is a machine that moves it to a 45 degree angle and then down about 5 degrees and back up 5 degree. I spent the night with him at the hospital Saturday night he complained that his leg hurt all night. Did I mention he’s awake now? It was a big surprise to me when I got to the hospital.

Well when I left on Sunday they were going to move him to a new room. They but a valve on his tracheotomy he can now make sounds his mouth is still wired shut though.

I will give a more in depth update later tonight when I get home from work. Keep the praying that he has an easy time with Physical Therapy and a full recovery.