Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday September 13, 2008 (Day 0)

9:23 AM
Coming home from dropping some items off at the dump received phone call from Marie Jochim Adam’s girlfriend at about asking if we have heard from Adam that there was an accident.

9:29 AM
Called Adam no answer on his phone.

9:40 AM
Called MSgt Hunt left a voice message on his phone.

Arrived at home had a message phone call on the voice mail from the plastic surgeon about the Adam being at the hospital.

10:00 AM
Shortly after getting home and hearing the message we got a phone call from SSgt Borges, Stephanie A. HQMC Casualty Notification notify us of the accident and what happen and that Adam was listed as critical and that we had orders to fly or drive to the Hospital we told them that we would fly.

11:19 AM
MSgt called me back and said he had got word of the accident and was heading to the hospital.

12:02 PM
Received confirmation of our flight and when and where it was leaving from. We received the information from SSgt Borges, Stephanie A. HQMC Casualty Notification.

3:10 PM
On board flight # 1321 to San Diego airport.

4:32 PM (now on Pacific Time Zone)
Landed in San Diego Sgt Hill was calling and waiting to pick us up at the air port

SSgt Hill took us straight to the hospital where we meet MSgt Hunt he escorted us to Adam ICU room where the doctors were at and started to go over all his injuries.

List of injuries
Face Pan Fracture
left and right side of eyes
bridge of nose
upper jaw left and right side
front of upper jaw into roof of mouth
lower jaw left and right side
chin from front teeth to bottom of chin
Brain Swelling
Rips (not sure of all or which ones)
L2 (Lumbar Vertebrae L2)
Hip Bone & Pelvic

The doctors did surgery right away on his lower legs some time between 4:00 AM and 6:00 AM Pacific Time Zone. They placed two rods in his right leg one from his ankle to his knee and from his knee to his hip to repair the long bones.